01 April 2012


I can easily say that I am Sadie's favorite. At every opportunity during our trip to Saint George Sadie would ask me if I wanted to play. She loved playing "Money Game" which was really Connect Four, but to her it was like putting money in a piggy bank. A few of the afternoons we played at the park. I have come to the conclusion that the people who design playgrounds do so with some sort of sadistic intent. Those playgrounds are death traps for children. I mean really, are they trying to give me a heart attack? Do they think that a three year old child will be content to play on the kiddy slide when all of the big girls and boys are climbing, swinging, and flying down steep slides with so much glee. (I noticed at two of the newer parks that the slides were designed with bumps in them. I can't understand how that might be enjoyable, maybe its their light body mass, but those bumps didn't feel so nice on my rump.) Occasionally Sadie would get hurt, but when she did she was as happy to find comfort in my arms as she was her mama's. 

Sadie's favorite activity was to play pretend. She would instruct me to lie down on her bed with her, she would cover us with her blanky, and then after two of my sleepy snores she would say, "Cockadooledoo!" We'd get up and then she would pretend to cook for me. We also played dolls one evening. You would think that with regular engagements with the kiddos at Primary Children's that I would be better at pretend play, but I'm not. It's not that often that I have the opportunity to play pretend, but occasionally I'm able to enjoy in the magical world of a child's imagination. Adults who are long removed from children soon forget how to play, with pretend being well out of their comfort zone. 

I love playing with my nieces and nephews.  

(Thanks to my Twin for taking photos of her children and myself playing. I don't know if she realizes what my reasoning is for giving her the camera when I want her to take the photos that are impossible for me to take, but I do so for you... that you might have them for your pleasure.)
Sadie and I playing pretend. 
My Sadie-bo-badie, she is after all one-quarter me. 

The last night we stayed I told Sadie a lovely story while she cuddled in my arms. Then we went into her room and I read her bedtime story after story. Just before I wished her good night she said, "Uncle Gary, can you stay forever?" I wish I could.

I so badly want a little girl of my own. I want my Gracie...