22 February 2012


I went for a run tonight in the cool February misty rain. Really? Who could be so crazy as to go for a run at midnight in February? But I am determined to get this aging body back into shape, and I have six months to do it in. I figure two rounds of P90X should do it, (coupled with a diet focusing on fruits, vegetables, and fish). The hard part is finding a consistent time to exercise in. I have a hard time balancing the elements of my life. I get so busy with work and my studies that I neglect my health. Even on my days off, the days that I dedicate to my art, I have a hard time striking a balance. I find it a burden to break from my painting to cook (though I have no problem breaking for a nap, sleep has always been more important than food). It's probably a good thing that I take so much cream and sugar with my tea, I probably get half my calories on those days from the ceremony of afternoon tea. Speaking of, I think I'll make myself a cup right now. I bought a few new flavors that other day and I have yet to try the Acai Green Tea. I shouldn't be buying more tea, but it is so hard to resist when they make them sound so good. Don't tell Steve, but I now have 30 different flavors of tea. I have a new favorite every other day. I'm not such a capricious person, but when the harmony of the botanicals of the Earth come together, it's hard not to. Amongst my new favorites is the absolutely divine Vanilla Apricot White Tea from Tazo.

14 February 2012

Memorable Moments

I know that I've recounted the story below once before, but I thought that I might share it again, for the sake of Saint Valentine's Day. It was one of my most pleasant Valentines.  

January 2010
"The bond that is created between a volunteer and a child during the interactions that take place from week to week is something of note.  There are few things so rewarding as to arrive at the hospital and see a child’s face light up because their favorite playmate has come to play.  This bond becomes something akin to that shared between a child and parent, as the volunteer is able to observe the child grow from year to year.  Having served Primary Children’s for some years I have had many touching experiences with the children that I’ve come to know well.  As we enter spring a particular one comes to mind.

The first time I met, shall we call her “Susie”, she was an adorable preschooler with perfect manners, an even temper, and lovely laugh.  We spent many weeks playing together, and I must admit that I guiltily hoped that I would have the opportunity to play with her again the following week.  I was subtly disappointed when she was finally discharged.  I believe this was her first surgery, but as unfortunate life circumstances may be, it wouldn’t be her last.  Over the years I observed my sweet little Susie develop into a conceited little brat, but alas, I still looked forward to playing with her.  It was at such a time that I made a Valentine for her at the arts and crafts table.  She scrunched her nose, gave me a dirty look, and crushed my Valentine… and my heart.  A year or two would pass before I would see Susie again, and as age often does, she had become much subdued from her previous temperament.  As we sat and discussed what craft activity she would like to do I asked her, “Do you remember the Valentine that I made for you?”  I was surprised to hear that she did, and that she also remembered how she crushed it.  Chance had it that another Valentine’s Day was approaching, which I causally informed her of.  I asked her if she would like to make a Valentine for her mom or dad.  Agreeing, I brought scissors, paper, and glue, and we sat together making Valentines and pleasant conversation.  Of course I was making one for her, but it wasn’t until the end, when Suzie became suddenly secretive, that I realized that the Valentine that she was making was for me…"

10 February 2012


Shortly after I received my letter of acceptance into medical school, my nephew Blake had a physician visit their class and talk a little bit about being a doctor. I don't believe that any of Bonnie's children have expressed a desire to become a physician, but they sure did enjoy playing dress up afterwards.

Dr. Blake

Dr. Spencer

Dr. Sadie
On the other hand, my niece Tauna has expressed a desire to become a physician, and a pediatrician at that. I told her that I would help her get there, and then someday we could practice together.