18 December 2011


It was shortly after Christmas five years ago. My brother's friend had just received a new camera and he needed models to test out his new toy. Steve and I willingly volunteered. As I was going through some old photos today I happened upon our silliness, and thought I would share for your enjoyment. 

How cute, a monkey.

Watch out! We have a ninja in the house.  

Ahh, the ninja's archnemesis. 

Who will win?

Oh snap, my sword is no match for the ninja's katana. 

The ninja lunges! But I will not go out without a fight. (Um, I don't know where that sign in the background came from. Well, actually I do. The corner of 21st south and 2400 east, but how it came to reside as a halo above my head, I'm not sure.)

 A mortal blow to the ninja's heart. He be dead.

"He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." -The Good Book

But wait! The ninja has been reincarnated as a desperado. 

This one's serious for revenge. 

He doesn't look so dangerous. 

 But maybe...

he's a little crazy. And crazy is dangerous. 

 He's about to make an attempt on the sultan. Security, cease him!

The King of rock n' roll lives. 

And he sure knows how to jam. 

Yep, I was born in the days of the 80's big hair bands.  

The difference is I make this look good. 

It's not a matter of reaching the end, but in feeling the music throughout.