31 December 2011

I'll Show You Mine If...

In June 2005 I recounted this memory from my childhood (with minor editing).

"There comes a time in a little boy's life when he begins to understand that little girls are different from little boys. Different in ways that he cannot easily see. He becomes aware that he possesses something that little girls don't have, and in turn little girls posses something the he doesn't. A little boy knows what he has, after all, he's had his whole life, but how can he discover what makes a boy a boy and a girl a girl. A child's curiosity is ever rarely satisfied by theoretical rhetoric, but rather a child needs concrete evidence. 

Growing up, I had something that most little boys don't have -a twin sister. It became apparent to me that my closest playmate was different from myself, and I wanted to know how so. Her curiosity was no less than mine. We made a deal, a pact. I would show her mine if she would show me hers. Standing by the ditch bank I dropped my pants and showed her what made a boy a boy. She giggled! And then ran off, leaving me with my pants down, without showing me what made a girl a girl. Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls, but I would not learn what exactly made them so." 

29 December 2011


The process of packing one's life into neat little boxes stirs forgotten memories of days past. While packing books recently I came across a stack of flash cards that I used to study for the Verbal Reasoning section of the GRE. Contrary to the section title's name, the test examines very little of your verbal reasoning skills, but is rather a vocabulary test in disguise. Accordingly, I had made flash cards with the hope of increasing my working vocabulary. As I was reminiscing over the words an idea struck me as I was preparing to drop the stack of cards in the rubbish bin. I had never learned the vast majority of the words on those cards. A word a day is all it would take. If I were to bring a flash card to work each day I could greatly improve my austere vocabulary. I've made a bit of a game of it with a friend from work. Whoever is able to work the word of the day into their spiel first wins the day. Today's word was Austere -markedly simple or unadorned; stern and cold in appearance or manor. It wasn't an easy word to work in to my presentation, but I took the day. (My friend isn't competing well. Does she not realize that the contest will prove to facilitate her learning better than simply hearing the word and definition?) I try to practice the word throughout the day. Below you will find the words of the day for the past week.

Abscond (v) -to depart secretly.
Aberrant (adj) -straying from the norm.
Alacrity (n) -eager and enthusiastic willingness. 
Anomaly (n) - deviating from the normal order, form or rule.
Approbation (n) -an expression of approval or praise.
Arduous (adj) -strenuous, taxing, difficult.
Audacious (adj) -daring and fearless; contemptuous of law, religion, or decorum. 

28 December 2011


I present to you a page out of my Journal (albeit with editing), dated January 2005. The title of the entry is Preface, being the first entry of "Book One of the Volume of My Life".

"For some reason, unknown to myself, I have a fascination with books. Particularly books with blank pages. One might thumb through such a books and gaze upon its empty pages and see nothing, think nothing, nor feel anything. I, on the other hand, will pick up a book that is void of markings, as if it were a precious treasure in my hand. I have purchased many of these beautiful books with no particular purpose to its end. Contained within the empty pages I envision a potential of what those pages might hold: My future, my thoughts, my ideas, my poetry, my life. It is my journal, my diary, my mind."

18 December 2011


It was shortly after Christmas five years ago. My brother's friend had just received a new camera and he needed models to test out his new toy. Steve and I willingly volunteered. As I was going through some old photos today I happened upon our silliness, and thought I would share for your enjoyment. 

How cute, a monkey.

Watch out! We have a ninja in the house.  

Ahh, the ninja's archnemesis. 

Who will win?

Oh snap, my sword is no match for the ninja's katana. 

The ninja lunges! But I will not go out without a fight. (Um, I don't know where that sign in the background came from. Well, actually I do. The corner of 21st south and 2400 east, but how it came to reside as a halo above my head, I'm not sure.)

 A mortal blow to the ninja's heart. He be dead.

"He who lives by the sword dies by the sword." -The Good Book

But wait! The ninja has been reincarnated as a desperado. 

This one's serious for revenge. 

He doesn't look so dangerous. 

 But maybe...

he's a little crazy. And crazy is dangerous. 

 He's about to make an attempt on the sultan. Security, cease him!

The King of rock n' roll lives. 

And he sure knows how to jam. 

Yep, I was born in the days of the 80's big hair bands.  

The difference is I make this look good. 

It's not a matter of reaching the end, but in feeling the music throughout. 

09 December 2011


Harry Potter 7 pt. 2 was finally released to Red Box this week. Admittedly, I've never liked the movies for how much they are lacking from the books, or for the elements that change between the pages of the novel and the projection on the big screen, yet there was a line in the movie today that I don't believe was penned in the book, but I quite liked it. Remus Lupin in the final battle says, "It is the quality of ones convictions that determines success, not the number of followers."