15 October 2010

Untitled 2007

"Untitled" 2007
Oil on Canvas 14x18" 
Oil painting is more than transposing paint to the canvas, it is more than creating an ascetically pleasing
picture.  The process, for some, is where the meaning lies, more so than can be derived in the collection of brush strokes upon the canvas.  This painting was painted at a time when my dad was undergoing treatment for Lymphoma.  Before he returned home, I brought my paints and brushes to the hotel and dad and I painted together.  Dad didn't really want to 'waste' a canvas, so he sat on one side of the table, and I the other, and separately we painting our own picture together on the same canvas.  For me I was undertaking a monochromatic attempt to portray an ocean scene, using only shades and tints of cobalt blue, dad was undertaking a mountain scene.  But this painting session was more than creating a monochromatic study, or capturing the majesty of the mountain, it was about creating a bond between father and son.  It isn't a great painting, and will not likely survive through the years, but the meaning herein is found in the process, and the bond created therein cannot be ravaged by the rags of time.