29 June 2012

Day Fifty-Four

The river bridge that cross every afternoon. 
I wish you could see the images of my day that I am not able to capture. The photo above really isn't interesting in any particular way. Yet as inartistically as the scene is, there is something to be said for it. Had I shot the scene, some weeks ago it would have show a man bathing along its banks. I've mentioned this before. I see the gentleman often enough, probably 4 or 5 times a week in passing. He hangs around the "Shacks" and the dining tables outside the grocery store. Some days I see him without shoes, some days with. His clothing is nearly aways torn, but not soiled. I wonder if he notices to what degree I observe him. I was discussing his situation with the taxi driver who takes me home nearly every night. He has many children, though none are believed to live here. He took an accident to his face some years ago, disfiguring his lip. It is not exactly known why he chooses to live on the streets. Speculation might say that loss has driven him. I will admit, it's a thought experiment that I've given much thought to: To live homeless, having nothing, having no one. How would I survive? I have spend many hours over the years contemplating the answers to these questions, and more. The scene I would have you see today would be of the gentleman sifting through the rubbish bin out side the grocery, hoping to find his dinner. I just had mine. I feel immense compassion when I look upon his life.

28 June 2012

Day Fifty-Two and Fifty-Three

Day Fifty-Two: My view as I was lying on the picnic bench whilst I was read upon the finer points of mononucleosis.

Day Fifty-Three: I was only able to catch the tail end of this sunset. I liked the contrast. 

24 June 2012

Day Forty-Nine

Dusk at "The Shacks". The Shacks are the equivalent of most schools cafeteria or food court. Local vendors operate their own little shack, where they offer exotic foods such as pizza, burgers, chicken fingers, grilled chicken, crepes, and curry. Of the various option, only one shack offers a dish or two of traditional Dominican cuisine. There are also a few that offer local juices and fresh fruits and vegetables. Some student's refuse to eat at the shacks, due to the occasional infamous "Shack Attack", or simply mild food poisoning, but others have no qualms. I occasionally patronize the shacks, the food isn't bad, but I prefer healthier options. 

23 June 2012

Day Forty-Eight

Clifton Government School
Game of Hopscotch anyone?
Peds clinic.

Because I am an EMT I am given greater responsibilities than your typical first semester student. 
I like to start out by having the kids listen to my lungs and heart.

20 June 2012

Day Forty-Five

My morning walk enjoys this view painted upon the wall. My favorite mural is of the hibiscus and humming bird. 

19 June 2012

Day Forty-Four

Durring the lunch hour the children at the school daycare were outside selling ice-cream, to raise money for "Save the Whales". As any good person would do, I bought the ice-cream for the sake of the children more than for my want (oh, but I do love ice cream, and it is such a rare treat). I decided that while I ate my ice-cream I'd take a short stroll along the beach. 

18 June 2012

Day Forty-Three

A tree of roots. There trunk, I think, was once hanging roots that earthed themselves when they reached the soil.

Surface roots make a tree look very old, in my opinion. One of these days, when I get around to it, I'm going grow bonsai trees, and they will have roots like this this tree. 

16 June 2012

Day Forty-One

Just a few houses away from mine is this little bar. Some evenings when I call it a night a little earlier than usual I will observe the locals playing dominoes as I pass by. It reminds me of the days before television became the means of entertainment. I can happily say that after I moved out of my parents house, so many years ago, I stopped watching television. I don't even know what plays anymore. 

14 June 2012

Day Thirty-Nine

The sun paints the clouds in a beautiful array of yellows, reds, and oranges (orange happens to be the complement to the blue of the sky and sea, which may be why sunsets are so so striking, especially over the ocean). So often in our awe looking into the dappled colours of the sunset we forget to look behind us, to note that indeed we are bathed in colour. Today's sunset wasn't as grand as the many I have enjoyed in my few days here, but my eye caught the clouds behind, and I thought upon how we neglect to see the beauty all around when blinded by the beauty of one.  

13 June 2012

Day Thirty-Eight

I'd love to transverse the rocky terrain of Dominica only taking pictures of the many beautiful flowers that I see each day. 

07 June 2012

Day Thirty-Two

A few of the sights around my neighborhood as I walk to school each morning: 

This one is one of the guilty culprits of my nightly chorus. (The rosters crowing don't bother me nearly as much as the dogs barking.)

I live on Mountain Breeze Road, as you can see indicated on the electricity pole on the right. 

I live in humble surroundings.

A young goat tied to a steak on the side of the road. You can't tell, but the grass is significantly taller than he is.