31 July 2011


For all the bad things that I teach my nieces and nephews I'm sometimes surprised by the complete trust my twin gives me with her children. (I once had my niece memorize the fundamental truth regarding the nature of the milk carton by repeating, "It's a man's right to drink from the milk carton.") But then again, how can my sister not trust me, I love them as if they were my own children, and they are the closest thing that I will ever have to having children of my own.

A few weeks back the two bachelors of the family were given the privilege of tending the little ones. I wish I would have thought of this idea years ago, when there was a bit of Chaos in my life, but I thought the kids might enjoy the fountain at the Gateway.

Blake and Spencer waiting for the show to begin.

Boys will be boys.

I don't know what was going through his head, but it really did look like he was dancing out there.

Cha cha cha.

 And for the finally.

The innocence and joy of childhood: What a beautiful thing.

The fountain in its majesty (and by that I am referring the the grander of the children's joy). 

Of course uncle Gary had to buy them strawberry cheese cake ice-cream.

Uncle Steve is trying to teach Sadie the fine principal of sharing.

He was denied. 

20 July 2011

Three Summer Days

I've been so busy lately, it's actually been some time since I've painted or written any poetry. I last wrote in December, penning "Heart String". Some months ago I had the inspiration to write, but not the time, and now months later I wonder if I still have the inspiration to write that poem, or if it is forever lost. I still have the emotions ingrained in my heart, but I don't know if I have the words for it anymore. I haven't had much time for reading either. I've read very little of Keats in the past six months, though ironically I picked up his book of poetry a few days ago and began reading again. (I'm still working on getting through "Endymion".) His words are often definitions of my life, of my being. “I almost wish we were butterflies and liv'd but three summer days - three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain.” One day I will paint those three summer days.

11 July 2011


I believe some people are just born photogenic. I'm not one of those people. It's not necessarily that I hate every photo of myself, but I rarely like photos that I try to produce an authentic smile in. I generally don't even try to smile anymore, but this photo is for medical school secondary application, so I figured I better try. The photo below was the result of over 200 shots. I'm not entirely satisfied with this one but it will have to suffice.
Gary James July 2011

04 July 2011

Summer Read

July is reading month at Primary Children's, so I decided that I would organized a Story Hour each weekend. I began my summer reading with my favorite, Green Eggs and Ham. My young audience loved it. We then moved on to The Cat in the Hat and and an hour later we finished off with One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. It looks like it's going to be an indelible summer.