29 September 2011


Today was somewhat of an important day, but not for me. My boss, whom I have worked with for the past eight years, whom has become a good friend, is in a position to receive an advancement in the company. As part of the interview process her boss along with other VIPs, including the president and vice president of a multi-billion dollar company,  made a visit to the restaurant today. A month ago I was asked if I would be willing to take care of them during their visit, with the admonishment that her job and future would be in my hands. Surprisingly I wasn't terribly nervous for today's events (I have enough stress these days in concerning myself with my own interviews and future). The adrenaline did finally kick in at the onset of my presentation, but quickly wore off as I began my work. My job was to make her look good, and how did I do? Well, the answer to that question I don't entirely know, but I was told by multiple people that the president stated that my presentation was the best he has ever heard, and I do not doubt the service was likewise.

16 September 2011

Black Box

The days are beginning to cool. Although it is still hot the sign that fall is on the way is immiscible. Soon the leaves will begin to change from green to gold, the nights will become crisp, and frost will kiss the last remnants of the harvest. And then winter will come. I stand at the threshold of a new season of life, yet the life before me is a black box, without definition or form. As a child growing up, I knew what I was to become, who I was to be. My life had a direction, and I lived without doubt or fear of what my life might hold. Now, as a man, I live in a world of unknowns. The daunting darkness before me holds more questions than answers. As I travel from place to place, trying to find my future, I imagine how the scene will turn the course of my life. So many dreams I have lost, so many I morn. I fight this last fight, hoping that I might, for once, be victorious. Yet if granted this one dream, I would gladly trade it and all of the other dreams I have ever dreamed for the one dream that I cannot have...