16 August 2011


I need to be up fairly early this morning. It's my day to volunteer at clinic. But how could I resist a perfect night for writing. The air is slightly crisp, with each breath like drinking from a high mountain stream. The sky dappled with luminescent clouds drifting in the bright evanescent moonlight, with stars sparking between, yields inspiratious thought that cannot be denied. It's a shame that I am not writing poetry tonight, for I am bound to a cause. I am in the thick of writing essays for supplemental medical school applications, and I have time for little else. If only every day I sat to write could be as perfect as it is now, with the very elements vitalizing my whole being. But alas, my macbook's battery is not so empowered, and I must sleep before the sky turns to grey.

09 August 2011


It's not often that I take time away from the obligations of a busy life to visit my family in Dixie. I visit maybe once a year, sometimes not even that often. The time was ripe for a trip south. At these interviews I would love to spend time behind the camera, capturing and bottling memories to be reviewed in a day when family is far away, yet I find the camera to be a distraction from making memorable moments. As a result I typically leave the camera work to others. I rather record memorable moments in my heart than spend the few days that I have half hearted. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to give my artistic side expression. I find myself in conflict, wanting to dedicate time to my photography, and what better subjects do I have than those I love, yet I don't want to distract from making memories. This trip I took no shots but those in my heart. The drive to the camp site through Kolob was stunning, passing through fields of pink wild flowers among the quakies and pines of the forest. The beauty of the scene was only rivaled by the onward drive to Dixie, with its beautiful red sandstone cliffs dotted with lush vegetation. Nature in all her majesty was yet no match to the beauty captured in the joy of the children playing, be that upon the ripples of the lake, or in the streams of the park. 

My niece Sadie and I riding horses. 

Sadie and I playing in the sandstone river at the park.